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Prayers and/or good thoughts PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Can everyone please pray for or send good thoughts to (if praying isn't your thing) Danny Sexton, my friend just got a call about him (he's her brother-in-law) and he's at the hospital and it's not good news, so if everyone can please pray for him or send good thoughts, it would be greatly appreciated by the whole family.... He's been battling Stage 4 cancer in his liver and lungs and was in the hospital to get fluid drained off of his stomach and apparently took a turn for the worse... He's such a great guy and it's tearing my friend up so so bad..... I hate that there's not a lot I can do for her cause she's so close to him and I can see how bad it's tearing her up..... So please please please send prayers and/or good thoughts to Danny......

Peace,  :ht: &  Confusedh:,
The Eleventh Doctor: Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before.
Good thoughts are headed his way.  :H:
"I want to thrive, not just survive." - Thrive, Switchfoot
(07-17-2010, 07:52 AM)Lurker.In.The.Night link Wrote: Good thoughts are headed his way.  :H:

Thanks.... Last update I got was that he's still hanging in there, but the fluid is back already (they did drain it), and they're stopping his chemo treatments..... I don't know how much longer he's gonna be with us and it's sad because he's such a great guy, he's one of those who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it..... I made this card for him.....
[Image: CardforDannyFront.jpg]
The front of the card.... I traced the faces of my friend, her sister (his wife), my friend's daughter and my friend's son as the angels, and I traced the lettering because I don't have a calligraphy pen (otherwise I would have written it myself without tracing, I used to write real well in calligraphy).....
[Image: CardforDannyinside.jpg]
Inside the card... Me, my daughter, and some friends signed it....

Peace,  :ht: &  Confusedh:,
The Eleventh Doctor: Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before.
Well, Danny died at 6:45pm on July 18...... I was at the hospital with my friend when he passed, I wasn't in the room at the exact time he passed because I was on the phone talking to someone to give them an update....  On the plus side, he's not in anymore pain and he had already beat the odds (he was given 6 months to live 2 years ago)..... It was really tough on his wife and it took my friend, me and one of my friend's other friend to get his wife calm enough to walk around (so she could leave the hospital etc.), it was also tough on my friend, but she stayed calm though for her sister.... I was at the hospital with my friend for 6 hours, 4 1/2 hours before he passed away and 1 1/2 hours after he passed away..... I thought I'd give y'all an update.... Thanks for all the prayers/good thoughts for Danny.......

Peace &  :ht:,
The Eleventh Doctor: Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before.
I"m sorry for your loss Jenni.  Sad

"I want to thrive, not just survive." - Thrive, Switchfoot
(07-19-2010, 09:14 AM)Lurker.In.The.Night link Wrote: I\"m sorry for your loss Jenni.  Sad

Thanks Lurker.... I wasn't that close to Danny, but my friend was.... They would joke around that she was like his second wife...... At least he's not in pain anymore..... Thanks so much everyone for the prayers/good thoughts, if y'all could pray/send out some good thoughts for his wife, I'd really appreciate it.....

Peace &  :ht:,
The Eleventh Doctor: Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before.
Sorry I didn't have a chance to say anything sooner; I'm on my cell most of the time again - just reading.  Even when death is a blessing - no more pain, etc - it's still not easy on the ones who have to stay here.
My Aunt outlived three husbands, all good men and it was rough when every one of them died - we kept teasing her about who she was going to kill next ...
Take care of yourself and know my thoughts and prayers are with you. //al
We live by each other and for each other. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
-- Helen Keller
(07-19-2010, 03:30 PM)Dragon link Wrote: Sorry I didn't have a chance to say anything sooner; I'm on my cell most of the time again - just reading.  Even when death is a blessing - no more pain, etc - it's still not easy on the ones who have to stay here.
My Aunt outlived three husbands, all good men and it was rough when every one of them died - we kept teasing her about who she was going to kill next ...
Take care of yourself and know my thoughts and prayers are with you. //al

Thanks Dragon.... Is your computer/internet out again, or are you just not around it that much right now?? If  your computer/internet is out again, I hope it gets fixed, if it's something else, then uh, at least you're able to read up on things....

Peace &  :ht:,
The Eleventh Doctor: Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before.
I would offer prayers except in my life and the many prayers I have tried I have found prayer to be nothing more than wishful thinking. You can pray to a milk jug and get the same benefit.. Yes/No/Maybe and wait till you grow old and die of old age and the milk jug will still be sitting there doing nothing..just like the invisible man in the sky..
To that end I'll offer good thoughts, but even that is a futile exercise in mental masturbation from where I'm sitting. I'm not a medical professional and if i were i could do nothing from here.
I will offer condolences though and tell you to remain strong. Death is indeed the release we all seek at some point. It's the great escape from the day to day struggles and pain this life has to dish out to us.. Once our loved ones die it's we who do the suffering, not them. The dead man or woman's life is over and thus no longer suffering.
I will hope you're able to come to grips with grief and move on because you can't go backward in time to retrieve anyone otherwise we would all do that.
Soldier on. The reverse button was taken from us a long time ago. Stay strong and be happy his pain and toil on earth is over.

"The thought of suicide is a powerful solace: by means of it one gets through many a bad night" -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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