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Full Version: Bomb Squad Required
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Evil parental-units and two evil grandparental-units strapped massive heavy packs on the SuperHeroAnimals when they were but tiny neonatal animals. Our heros struggled to fulfill their SuperHero roles but, the packs weighed them down so badly, they had a hard time saving all the little children they were destined to save in this world.

Eventually, their little bodies in terrible pain and threatening to crumple under their massive loads, they sought the help of a physician. He sighed and explained that, in reality, they were healthy little animals capable of living happy and painfree lives - assuming they could be rid of their packs. Unfortunately, he said the necessary surgical procedure was far outside his professional skill set, and so he referred the little animals to his friend, the therapist.

The therapist listened to their tale of SuperWoes. He also sighed because he knew that, althought he had the skill set to remove the packs and free the little animals, the insurance company would not approve the procedure or his fees. Sadly, he explained to the SHA that all he could offer were a few brief CBT sessions, sessions during which he would also teach them mindfulness and other little tricks that could possibly help mitigate their pain.

Needless to say, the CBT and mindfullness training could not begin to resolve their underlying problem. As explained to them by every professional they consulted, surgery was the only true resolution.

Given this, and a lack of professional help, they carefully examined each other in an attempt to perform the surgery on their own - and without anesthesia. While carefully licking each other clean in preparation for surgery, they came to realize a shocking fact: the pack straps were connected to bombs in such a fashion that, if the packs were to ever be removed, the bombs would explode and take the little animals to Kingdom Come.

Now, the SHA seek a Bomb Squad. Where will they find one willing to help little SuperHeroes? Who will pay the fees? Will our heroes ever survive to save another child?
Money is a mass delusion; it doesn't even exist.

Fire can be very cleansing. Maybe I could comfort you if I knew your politics but I don't so I don't want to risk hurting you while I croon this little lullabye that has been handed down in my fambly for countless generations ever since a brave Bomb Squad saved a tree way back in the 20th century.

Raid their arsenals, little Animals, take what you find that is useful and compost the rest.

Here, have a hit of Nietszche since you're not into CBD oil.
I am not in favor of money. I prefer the Star Trek Next Generation money-less paradigm.

Given all that, if money is a mass delusion, why exactly do I need massive amounts of money to fund my therapy or whatever? I don't get it.

How does one use fire in a healthy fashion?

If you're not into Nihilism, just check out or reread Elie Wiesel, Anne Frank, or whoever your personal favourite of the six million. They may be dead, but they have the only form of immortality that my species has ever been able to achieve: the printed word.

They're worth listening too, too. If some 90 year old person with a number on her arm pointed to you on the bus and said, "I've been waiting my whole life to tell someone what I did in Treblinka. I choose you." Would you punch her in the face and tell her to STFU?

I didn't think so.

Now it gets a little bit more complicated because the google corporation is not your friend. Got Tor? I can wait. It's not THAT slow.

Okay, is your VPN on? No, make sure. I can wait.


is only one of these:

so no worries if you find another searx instance you like better or if you decide to host your own. Now you need to type "Riot Porn" into the search bar AFTER you set up all the family friendly filter preferences and stuff that I don't know because it's none of my business.

That's okay, I can wait.

No, no, no, not the Facebook page of the band I've never heard of, I'm talking about a concept not a brand of coporate consumer product. Now look up at the top of your browser software and see where you can narrow your searches? Where it says "General, Files, Images, IT, Map, Music, News, Science, Videos"? That's where you want to go.

Deselect everything except images.

Well, okay deselect everything except images AND videos if that's the way you're going to be about it; see if I care.

No, it's perfectly normal. Yes, you live in the United States so this is a bit different than bouncy bouncy Hugh Hefner so you do need to learn a bit more about computers and tighten down your security a tad but you should do that anyway because of President Duck.

Yes, it's perfectly normal. All superheroes do. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Martin Luther King secretly looked at Riot Porn in the privacy of his own mind.

Because sex sux and this is better. I didn't really think you were going to rape me just because you looked at that girl on the cover of that magazine so can you please give me the same benefit of the doubt?
I've read Elie Wiesel and Anne Frank. And, yes, I know elderly people with numbers on their arms. I get it. The parents of my generation are Holocaust survivors.

I don't want to go look all the stuff up, though, that you mentioned, given that I don't know what it is. Sounds like it is sex stuff from the Dark Web?

What fucking evs. Stick it in your ear, Turkey.
copulate off, rectum hole.

Oh, so we delete our gaslighting do we, rectum hole? Taking the site down while Admin's dog is sick is pretty low.
Odd ... I, personally, cannot see what someone would "enjoy" about watching a group of people beat up on each other or destroy the things around them, which seem to be the definition of riot porn.

I've never been into voyeurism since I got caught peeking at a neighbor girl when a little kid. Watching others who may or may not know they're being filmed is a form of voyeurism, no?