Chronic Suicide Support

Full Version: Meyers-Briggs Personality Test
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As a psychology student, personality profiling interests me. However, most of the tests I've come across have been garbage that compared your personality to an apple VS pear or something stupid. Meyers-Briggs, however, is the most accurate and detailed test I've taken.
Taking this test and reading your results could change the way you view yourself. It allows you to see yourself as concrete if you're feeling particularly pointless...

My results was INTJ. Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging
It is extremely rare for someone to be both INTJ and female. Explains why I don't have many friends at all and the ones I have are male.

I would be interested to hear others results
Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
89 1 1 11

I'd say that looks pretty reasonable though I should score higher on the thinking part - I've been accused *often* of analyzing things to death!!
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences % 
56 50 12 1

I took this a few years ago and got INTJ as well. It's always been one of my favorite personality tests.
The strengths of your preferences change on a day-to-day basis it seems. Last night my "Thinking" was at 100% but other times it was only like 60%.
I've been wondering if most people with suicidal tendencies were Introverted.
It may be a stereotype that they are. I imagine an extrovert would generally take a bigger hit if s/he were cut off from friends and/or family, and they might more susceptible to loneliness, because they would be bothered by alone-ness more than an introvert would. I can think of much worse things than being alone or even isolated, or experiencing things that make me feel that way for extended periods of time; someone more extroverted than I might not be able to.

On the other hand, an introvert might be considerably less likely to seek help or talk about their problems with others, and this is something that a lot of people seem to agree helps them cope with their suicidal feelings. On the other, other hand, maybe a lot of  introverts aren't as likely to find it helpful to talk about things with others in the first place, and so consciously avoid doing so (as is the case with me). On the other, other, other hand...
Yes, there are many variables involved. I feel that suicidality requires much introspection, but then again that may be my suicidality talking
Well, I got:
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
56 12 75 11
Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

    * moderately expressed introvert
    * slightly expressed sensing personality
    * distinctively expressed feeling personality
    * slightly expressed perceiving personality

Peace &  :ht:,
Your Type is ISTP

Introverted (100%) Sensing (1%) Thinking (88%) Perceiving (22%)

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

    * very expressed introvert
    * slightly expressed sensing personality
    * very expressed thinking personality
    * slightly expressed perceiving personality

Quite a few Sensing and Perceiving types here, a few INTJ's, all introverted.
If you're a nerd like I am, this is fun information.
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